Current Local Weather Conditions
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Conditions at
7:00 on 12/1/02


38.5 °F

Dew Point 27.4 °F
Humidity 64 %
Barometer 30.21 in
Rate 0.01 in/sec
Wind Direction E (96°) °
Heat Index 40.7 °F
Rainfall for Today 0.00 in
Total Rainfall 25.08 in
Today's Extremes
High Temperature 47.3 °F at 0:00
Low Temperature 38.5 °F at 6:59
High Heat Index 47.2 °F at 0:01
Peak Wind Gust 6 mph at 0:53
Astronomical Data
Sunrise 7:02
Sunset 17:23
Moonrise 3:55
Moonset 15:33

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Updated Automatically by Ambient Software's Virtual Weather Station  Version 10.27